Student Research as a program has always been the target of students who have an interest in the field of scientific writing. The program which is held annually provides facilities in the form of research funds with a total of 80 million for 40 selected proposals. This funding facility is sufficient to encourage students to hone their ability to express ideas and creativities to contribute to the development of science and technology. This year, 4 students of the Special Education Department passed the selection for student research funds. They are Wianda...
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Post date: 06/04/2022 - 11:26
Post date: 31/03/2022 - 13:29
Supporting an independent learning curriculum at the higher education level, The Universities continue to strive to update the learning system in order to produce outputs of competent human resources. This also applies to the competence of prospective educators. Collaborating with practicing educators in Yogyakarta, the Department of Special Education conducts Class Entry Practitioners lectures for students in semesters III and VI of the S1 Special Education study program. Through the Social Sciences Learning Methods course taught by the PLB FIP UNY lecturer...
Post date: 27/03/2022 - 13:46
Special Education Department, Faculty of Education (PLB FIP) UNY on Thursday, September 23th 2021 held a bold meeting with parents and guardians of the new class of 2021 students who came from various regions across the country.
This event was attended by, Bambang Saptono, M.Sc. as Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance FIP, Dr. Hermanto, M.Pd. (Head of the PLB Department) and Pujaningsih, M.Pd., Ed.D. (Secretary of the PLB Department).
Through his speech, Mr. Bambang Saptono said that...
Post date: 25/03/2022 - 10:56
The importance of the role of parents in the development of children, especially in moral and behavioral development, is a serious concern. The conflict between divorced parents and the mental unpreparedness of parents in raising children causes deviant behavior in children up to 5.4%. More serious and intensive handling should be needed with an easy-to-apply approach. This problem prompted two UNY students, namely Dewi Meliyan Ningrum (Dewi) and Nunu Nur Fadilah (Nunu) 2020 Special Education Study Program, to formulate ideas about a religious approach in...
Post date: 20/03/2022 - 12:39
"Pendidikan Luar Biasa Mengabdi" or "PLB Mengabdi" is a community service program organized by the Special Education Students Association (HIMA) and is a forum for Special Education Department's students to make real contributions in the social and humanitarian field within the scope of children's with special needs. This service program is an activity that is in line with the third Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely "Community Service" which means the activities of the academic community that utilize science and technology to advance the welfare of the...
Post date: 10/03/2022 - 13:29
The accelerating growth of science and technology has resulted in competition among college graduates through their skills. Higher education institutions will continue to be recognized for their existence if they have excellent graduates and their study program as an institution is recognized by national or even international accreditation. A strong desire and belief are attached to the lecturers at Special Education Program Study or Prodi PLB to keep going. The vision, mission, purpose, and strong faith of the team of PLB's lecturers become credible ammunition...
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