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Student Association
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Organizations (Ormawa) at the university level consist of the Student Executive Board (BEM). Student Representative Council (DPM), and Student Consultative Council (MPM). Ormawa at the Faculty level are the Faculty Student Executive Board (BEMF) and the Faculty Student Representative Council, while at the department / study program level there is a Department / Study Program Student Association (HIMA). Meanwhile, to accommodate interests, talents, and foster student achievement, there are Student Activity Units (UKM) at the university and faculty level. BEM KM UNY is the highest executive institution at the university level that runs the wheels of student government.
The development of the Ormawa field is intended to channel, develop and direct Ormawa both at the university level, namely BEM, MPM, DPM, at the faculty level, namely BEMF, and DPMF, as well as at the department level, namely Hima Department/Prodi. Coaching is carried out through mentoring, mentoring, and providing the necessary funds and infrastructure. In order to provide an integrated and representative office for the secretariat of Ormawa and UKM at university level, at this time UNY is grateful to have the Student and Multicultural Center building which was inaugurated by the Governor of DIY, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X in May 2008. Thus, coordination of activities is expected. Ormawa and UKM university level will be better.
The Student Activity Unit (UKM) is a student institution where students who have the same interests, hobbies, creativity, and orientations in the distribution of extracurricular activities gather on campus. UKM is a student organization that has the task of planning, implementing, and developing extracurricular student activities that are reasoning, interests and hobbies, welfare, and special interests in accordance with their duties and responsibilities. The position of this institution is in the area of the university which is actively developing an independent organizational management system.
UKM UNY are grouped into four fields, namely the Reasoning Sector, Sports Sector, Art Sector, and Welfare/Special Sector. The field of Reasoning concentrates on developing a systematic, comprehensive, and precise way of thinking. Thus, reasoning is the right way of thinking for students who are able to prepare themselves to become human analysts. Every problem, both from oneself and from society, will be solved if a student has the ability to think analytically. The realization of the reasoning field development includes conducting research, participating in the Student Innovation and Technology Competition (LITM), Student Writing Competition (LKTM), Student Creativity Program (PKM), journalism, and English debate.
The Sports sector concentrates on improving the quality of fostering student interests and hobbies in the field of sports. The goal is to develop organizational skills, leadership, mental health and physical fitness, sportsmanship, discipline, and achievement in various sports.
The Arts field concentrates on improving the quality of coaching in the world of art and channeling student interests and hobbies in the arts, motivating aspirations, creativity, and love for the arts and culture of the nation and various cultures of other nations.
The Welfare/Special Sector concentrates on improving the quality of student welfare development which includes two activities (a) fostering student welfare through scholarship services, medical examination services, insurance, special job fairs, spirituality, guidance and counseling, and cooperatives and (b) entrepreneurship development. Meanwhile, special student activities aim to foster awareness of the nation and state as well as love for the homeland and others.
Each of these areas of activity are as follows:
Field of Reasoning
- Research SMEs
- Student Press Institution UKM “EXPRESI”
- UKM Radio "Magenta FM"
- Foreign Language UKM
- Technology Engineering UKM “RESTEK”
Art Field
- UKM Literature and Theater Study Unit (UNSTRAT)
- Traditional Arts Student Family UKM (KAMASETRA)
- Vocal UKM/Student Choir “Voice of Wardhana”
- Fine Arts and Photography UKM
Sports Field
- Athletic SME
- Volleyball UKM
- Chess UKM
- SME Hockey
- Judo UKM
- Karate UKM
- Nature Lovers UKM “MADAWIRNA”
- Archery SME
- Pencak Silat UKM
- Swimming SMEs
- Football SME
- SME Softball & Baseball
- SME Tennis Court
- Table Tennis SMEs
- Tae Kwon Do SME
- UKM Marching Band “CDB”
- Basketball UKM
- Badminton UKM
- Sepak Takraw UKM
Welfare Field
- Student Cooperative UKM "Kopma UNY"
- UKM Islamic Spiritual Activity Unit "UKKI"
- UKM Catholic Student Family Association "IKMK"
- UKM Christian Student Fellowship "PMK"
- Hindu Dharma Student Family UKM "KMHD"
- Entrepreneurship UKM "KWU"
Special Fields
- UKM Scouts Racana WR Supratman and Racan Fatmawati
- Student Regiment UKM "PASOPATI"
- UKM Corps Voluntary PM “KSR-PMI”
- SME Entrepreneurship
(Source: UNY Students)
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