Vision and Mission

In 2025, Faculty of Education is recognized worldwide as the center of enlightenment and educational renewal based on the values ​​of piety, independence, scholarship, and nationality.


  1. Developing and narrating the national education paradigm of the XXI century and its application to the faculty as the core of higher education.
  2. Organizing research-based academic and professional education, in the fields of early childhood education, basic education, education non-formal and informal, special education, counseling guidance, educational technology, education policy and other education personnel needed across units and education providers.
  3. Conducting educational research oriented to strengthening the concept and improving educational practice; and disseminating and publishing it at local, national and international levels.
  4. Carrying out research-based professional services to the community and various parties who need it on an ongoing basis.
  5. Fostering student programs that are conducive to the implementation of academic and professional education.
  6. Strengthening the institutional capacity and performance of faculties so that they can carry out the missions of the Tridharma of higher education in an integrated manner.