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Developing Students Experience, Undergraduate of Special Education Study Program Collaborates with Practitioners in the Class
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Supporting an independent learning curriculum at the higher education level, The Universities continue to strive to update the learning system in order to produce outputs of competent human resources. This also applies to the competence of prospective educators. Collaborating with practicing educators in Yogyakarta, the Department of Special Education conducts Class Entry Practitioners lectures for students in semesters III and VI of the S1 Special Education study program. Through the Social Sciences Learning Methods course taught by the PLB FIP UNY lecturer team, namely, Mrs. Sukinah M. Pd., Ms. Gena Diniarti, M. Pd., and Ms. Zykra Zakiah, M. Pd, invited Mr. Dody Putra Pratama, S. Pd. as a secondary teacher for social studies subjects at SLB Negeri 1 Bantul and Mrs. Nurul Hidayati, S. Pd. As a teacher at SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Lecture activities are carried out online on Saturday, March 19th, 2019 opened by Mr. Dr. Hermanto, M. Pd., the Head of the Department of Special Education, FIP UNY. He gave a message to the lecture participants about the importance of using this activity to support skill development and practice the "Long Life Education" principle. The lecture went well with the enthusiasm of the participants regarding the material presented. The presentation of the material was started by Mrs. Nurul who explained the service program provided at SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta as an inclusive school in the implementation of social studies learning. He explained about 3 service programs, namely a 4-semester program for the Smart Istimewa student group as a substitute for the Acceleration program, a 6-semester program, and an 8-semester program for students with special needs who have lower abilities. This program is given after a series of assessment processes are carried out, including the results of the SD ASPD from students, the results of academic and psychological potential tests, as well as the results of interviews with parents of students with special needs. Mr. Dody explained the experience of adjusting material in social studies learning in special schools. What needs to be done is to carry out an assessment of student's academic abilities and also dissect the KI and KD material to be further adjusted to the students' abilities. He also shared his experience as a teacher without any special educational background being challenged and having to continue to learn to increase his competence to develop social studies learning in his class, namely the special education school.
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