




Prof. Dr. Edi Purwanta, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: edi_purwanta@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Guidence and Counseling Children with Special Needs
Sinta ID: 5979197
Scopus ID: 57204845225
[Staff Handbook]
2. Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd., M.A.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: rochmat_wb@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Gifted Children
Sinta ID: 6673427
Scopus ID: 57218198107
[Staff Handbook]
3. Prof. Dr. Suparno, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: suparno_plb@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Special Education for Early Childhood
Sinta ID: 6022999
Scopus ID: 57216895533
[Staff Handbook]
4. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Syamsi, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: ibnu_syamsi@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Enterpreneurship 
Sinta ID: 5989083
Scopus ID: 57204845158
[Staff Handbook]
5. Prof. Dr. Mumpuniarti, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: mumpuni@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Intelectual Disability
Sinta ID: 6022341
Scopus ID: 57201422760
[Staff Handbook]
6. Prof. Dr. Ishartiwi, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: ishartiwi@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Special Educational Technology
Sinta ID: 6023382
Scopus ID: 57194396874
[Staff Handbook]
7. Prof. Dr. Hermanto, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: hermansp@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education Management for Children with Special Needs
Sinta ID: 6087629
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]
8. Pujaningsih, M.Pd., Ed.D.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: puja@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities
Sinta ID: 6673058
Scopus ID: 57215586628
[Staff Handbook]
9. Dr. Sukinah, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: sukinah@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Autism
Sinta ID: 6090304
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]
10. Dr. dr. Atien Nur Chamidah, M.Dis.St.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: atien@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Early Intervention and Health Aspect of Children with Special Needs
Sinta ID: 5989113
Scopus ID: 57224306466
[Staff Handbook]
11. Nur Azizah, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: nur_azizah@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Orthodidactic Children with Physical Disability
Sinta ID: 6037995
Scopus ID: 57255045400
[Staff Handbook]
12. Dr. Aini Mahabbati, S.Pd., M.A.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: aini@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Emotional and Behavior Disorder
Sinta ID: 6648236
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]

Rafika Rahmawati, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: rafika@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Blind
Sinta ID: 6648917
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]
14. Rendy Roos Handoyo, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: rendy.roos@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Visual Impairment
Sinta ID:  6656683
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]
15. Dr. Bayu Pamungkas, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: bayu.pamungkas@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Hearing Impairment
Sinta ID: 5993038
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]
16. Wening Prabawati, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: edi_purwanta@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Emotional and Behavior Disorder
Sinta ID: 6781244
Scopus ID: 57255856900
[Staff Handbook]
17. Gena Diniarti, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: genadiniarti@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Physical Disability
Sinta ID: 6760179
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]
18. Veroyunita Umar, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: veroyunita@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Autism
Sinta ID: -
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]
19. Ernisa Purwandari, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: ernisa@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Intelectual Disability
Sinta ID: 6672979
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]
20. Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: diajengtyas@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Autism
Sinta ID: 6745308
Scopus ID: 57219713759
[Staff Handbook]
21. Zykra Zakiah, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: zykrazakiah@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Multiple Impairments
Sinta ID: 6726908
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]
22. Angga Damayanto, M.Pd.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: anggadamayanto@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities
Sinta ID: 6718200
Scopus ID: 57336490800
[Staff Handbook]
23. Adi Suseno, M.S.
Homepage Staffsite
Email: masadisuseno@uny.ac.id
Subjects/Areas: Education for Gifted Children
Sinta ID: 6782123
Scopus ID: -
[Staff Handbook]